Monday, 26 July 2010

Halong, food poisionned, Sapa.

I'm in Sapa since this Morning. I was in Halong Bay the 3 days before.
The computer I have is bad, specially the keyboard, so I'll tell more later, probably the day after tomorrow.
In short: Halong bay was a mix of amazing lanscape and shitty tour.. I was happy to leave to the Moutains where I am now.
But yesterday night, after an afternoon spent in the bus from Halong back to Hanoi, I get in my night bus to go to Sapa, and an hour after the departure, I start to feel sick. I actually got food poisionned... It's not the best thing that can happen on a night bus with no toilets, for an 8 hours trip on mountain roads. So I can tell you the night was long and terrible at some points, but I made it through! I slept the whole day, and tomorrow I'm going for a two-days trek (hope I'll feel good enough, I just had an almost-normal meal, so it should be fine), that's why I'll write more afterwards, I'm going to bed now.

1 comment:

  1. dur dur le coup de l'indigestion seul dans un bus de nuit sur les routes de montagne au vietnam !!
