A lot to tell.
I thought I would only spend a night on Phuket, to take a look at a nice place or two, but then leave and avoid all the prostitution that's over expanded there. But on the first night I went to a thai restaurant (ok, so far nothing unexpected, that happens 2-3 times/day) and I got friend with the owners of the place! The sister of the owner had studied languages, so she spoke a really good english. I could talk about anything I was wondering. Prostitution, ugly hotels everywhere on the nicest islands, loads of tourists that just come here to get drunk for cheap price, thai people who don't care about the environment at all, red shirts, tsunami (she was on Phuket when it happened) etc etc. She told me the worst was thai people selling their lands to western people... seemed quite sad.
She was in hollidays so she showed me the small places she knew in Phuket, took me to nice restaurants, to a typical night funfair, etc. It was quite nice to go to thai places where I was the only farang, and thai people reacted a little bit differently when asked about something in thai, and not in english.
Thus I enjoyed my time there, sleeping in the old phuket town in this nice hostel. I also rented a bike on my own again, and enjoyed going through the traffic in the town! I went along the mangrove, up to some nice view points, and to a sea-gipsy village (written down gipsea on the official signs! that's best english mistake I've read so far). It was quite interesting to see it, even if I felt a bit embarrassed to go there just to take a look. They were quite poor, and they're actually stopping to be gipsy, and start to learn thai and to live with thai people.
The day before yesterday, I left early in the morning to go to Koh Phi Phi. I met a very nice belgium couple on the boat, and we went to the cheapest bungalows that where out of the city. We took a walk through the jungle to see isolated beaches and got back at the sunset time so that the owner of the thai bungalows there said we were a bit crazy.. it was a nice "trek"! (quite small and not challenging at all actually but still). We decided to go to the main "village" at night and as expected it was only english or australian teenagers, coming there to get totally drunk dancing on the beach, for the first time they could get off their parents. Once there, we thought we should either get back home or get drunk too. Since the shots were free we decided to take the second option: bad idea. Night was probably fun, but I don't remember much of it although I honestly didn't drink much at all.
On the morning after (hard one) we rented a boat with another couple from Netherlands. The guy took the five of us to Koh Phi Phi Lee, which is non accessible for sleeping, supposed to be protected. Some parts where then very very nice, with cliffs coming steeply into the clear water. We did some snorkling and then went to the famous Maya bay, where the 'Beach' was shot. Well, this was just disgusting, hundreds and hundreds of tourists, coming with these big and noisy modern "speed boats", taking pictures of themselves with hundreds of people behing them, hiding the beach. We hurried to leave and enjoyed the rest of our ride with our guide.
In the end I felt a bit sick on the boat, and it went much worse in the following hours. I went to take the boat to Krabi in the afternoon, but I was very bad, nauseous and very dizzy. I reached my hostel yesterday night and slept for 12 hours, I'm absolutly fine now! I guess the free shots of Phi Phi island were a bit customized.
Everything is getting cheap again and the food great. Tomorrow I'll take a look at the nationnal park, back in the inner land of Krabi. It's supposed to be very nice. I wanted to go to Koh Lanta, which is supposed to be tourist-less, but I won't have time: I have to leave on monday morning in order to be in Kuala Lumpur on the 20th for my flight to vietnam.
cant' wait to hear all the details about your Phuket break :)!!!!